Member's Corner
Member’s Corner – Your Bromeliad Bulletin Board!
Got bromeliads for sale? Offering plant-related services? Looking to trade, give away, or track down that one elusive species? Member’s Corner is your go-to spot! Think of it as the Penny Saver for some, Craigslist for others—either way, it's where deals and discoveries happen.
Important: This is for SVBS members only. As always, be cautious—this is the internet, where scammers and trolls lurk, waiting to ruin everything. Don't believe a story just because someone tells it—and if it sounds too good to be true, it is.
Have something to list? Let us know, and let the plant swapping begin!
This just in -- Mary just emailed me that she is cleaning out her garage! It is about time! She found pots and other supplies she doesn't need. Please contact her for details